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Peringkat Pertama Peringkat Kedua Peringkat Ketiga Peringkat Keempat Peringkat Kelima Peringkat Keenam Seventh Stage Eight Stage
Saiz Akaun
$15,000 $30,000 $60,000 $120,000 $240,000 $480,000 $960,000 $1,920,000

Saiz Akaun

Setiap pedagang yang menyertai Program Pedagang Dibiayai kami bermula dengan saiz akaun awal $15,000. Setiap kali peniaga mencapai sasaran keuntungan 10%, kami akan menggandakan saiz akaun sehingga $480,000 yang merupakan modal maksimum yang boleh diterima oleh mana-mana pedagang.
Saiz Lot
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

Saiz Lot

Orders at stage one are capped at a maximum of 128lots, meaning that’s the most exposure you can accumulate at any one time. For instance, you can have either one position worth 1 OR five different positions of 1. Spreading risk is up to you, and when your account is doubled, so is your risk allowance. For example, on $30,000, your maximum lot size is 1, and on $60,000, it’s 2 lots. The total drawdown limit is 10%, which is highly unlikely to happen, but you aren’t liable for losses if it does. As such, you won’t owe Audacity Capital any money.
Absolute Drawdown
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Absolute Drawdown

The 20% drawdown is absolute and not trailing and as a firm we relentlessly focus on developing long-term relationships with our traders. That’s achieved by providing you with the environment to perform and prosper.
Sasaran Keuntungan
20% target – $3,000 20% target – $6,000 20% target – $12,000 20% target – $24,000 20% target – $48,000 20% target – $96,000 20% target – $192,000 20% target – $384,000

Sasaran Keuntungan

The profit target is 10% at all times. By hitting the target you are able to withdraw your profit share and progress to the next stage, where we double the size of your account.
Aset Boleh Didagangkan
Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities Forex, Indices & Commodities

Aset Boleh Didagangkan

Daily Trailing Drawdown
5% 5% 5% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.5%

Daily Trailing Drawdown

Peristiwa Berita
Tidak Tidak Tidak Tidak Tidak Tidak Tidak Tidak

Peristiwa Berita

At all stages we do not allow trading through major news events. The risk management team will notify all traders via email when positions need to be closed. If you would like to keep an eye on the news, we recommend using
Sekatan Masa
Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan Tidak berkaitan

Sekatan Masa

At all stages there are no minimum trading days for hitting the 10% profit target.    
Hari Dagangan Minimum

Hari Dagangan Minimum

At all stages there are no time restrictions for hitting the 10% profit target.     



Program Funded Trader

