How to “Trade in the Zone”

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If you have been trading for a while, we are pretty sure you have already experienced the feeling that comes with being “in the zone.” No matter whether you’re trading stocks or currency pairs, at one point, you must have felt as if the stars have aligned to make you feel better.

But the one thing you may not know is that there’s more to this than just fate. For example, psychology defines being “in the zone” as finding yourself in an interrupted flow marked by successes all around.

Mihály Csíkszentmihály is credited by psychologists as having invented the phrase. In his description, he notes that the zone is a state where you find yourself feeling completely involved. This type of immersion involves being fully focused on the task at hand.

Often, we find ourselves overlooking concentration as the leading factor behind this involvement. In its place, most of us, including the most experienced traders, tend to associate it with rituals or unfounded superstitions.

However, the truth is that it all comes down to how well you can maintain your focus on the movements happening in the money markets. If you can achieve this mental state, you’ll find yourself being able to “zone out” everything around you, allowing you to focus on your trades alone.

Having said that, let’s now look at how you can trade in the zone!

What Does It Mean to Trade in The Zone?

What does it mean Trading in the Zone


Consistency is a much-needed skill, but it’s challenging to teach. Becoming consistent in your trading means being able to achieve the desired results most of the time. But as experienced traders know, it’s a challenge to attain this level of consistency in simulated trading.

In such a scenario, the only way to deliver the expected results is to develop a winning mindset.

Mark Douglas, in his book How to Trade in the Zone, notes that developing a winning mindset means allowing the mind to evolve. For this evolution to happen, it will need to go through three crucial stages:

  1. Mental analysis
  2. Technical analysis
  3. Fundamental analysis

The evolution from mental to technical to fundamental analysis will help you complete what he calls the psychological gap. Accordingly, which parameters can you use to determine whether you have developed the winning mindset needed by all traders?

  • Disciplined Approach
  • Positive Approach

It’s also worth noting that the main trait to getting this much-desired mindset is committing to continue learning and improving yourself. For instance, if you look at the funded traders who have attained the most success, you’ll find that they’re always learning from their mistakes.

Mark spent years working with and researching successful traders to learn what makes one a good trader. His research reveals that such traders often have different mindsets from the average traders. These are pros who can always maintain their focus and discipline.

Because of this, they remain immune to hostile market conditions. Their discipline also prevents them from making hasty decisions that may cost them their positions. This is the person every beginner trader should strive to become.


Is Trading in the Zone Good for Beginners?

Trading in the zone has proven to be a useful guide as it’s incredibly insightful and eye-opening on matters related to trading. Beginners will love it because Mark has used a straightforward approach that makes even the complex terms simple to understand.

Trading in the Zone good for beginners

The guide provides helpful guidance and strategies that a beginner trader can apply in a variety of circumstances, not forgetting markets. One thing you’ll love about this guide is that it draws on his and other successful trader’s experiences.

Additionally, its emphasis on the different aspects of psychological trading is something you’re bound to find appealing. In the guide, Mark puts a lot of emphasis on developing patience, self-control, and emotional restraint when trading.

For a beginner trader, one of the key lessons you’ll learn is the importance of being in the zone. The guide will take you through what it takes to focus on market movements and remain in the present. Mark even explains how you can get into this zone.

By the end, you’ll have learned what it takes to stay focused on your trades and avoid distractions. While this is needed for profitable trading, being focused on your present task can also prove beneficial for your day-to-day life.

So, is Trading in the Zone good for beginners? Yes. From it, you get to learn different tactics that you can employ in every trading. Traders who are yet to fully understand how the market operates will also find it useful in advancing their trading abilities.

Which Is Better Trading in The Zone or Disciplined Trader?

Although Disciplined Trader was Mark’s first book, Trading in the Zone, which came ten years later, tends to get all the attention. The latter is beneficial to any person who is just getting started or is intent on remaining a successful trader. Mark uses a straightforward writing approach to describe flaws in your thinking that may work against you. These are flaws that can cause you to work in a manner detrimental to your primary objective: remaining profitable.

Trading in the Zone Vs Disciplined Trader

However, the most commonly asked question by traders is, “Between The Disciplined Trader and Trading in the Zone, which delivers the most value?”

There are traders who swear that The Disciplined Trader is the best trading book they have ever read. And as good as Trading in the Zone is, some are convinced that much of the text in it is a rehash of what’s contained in the first book. As such, they don’t think it’s worth a read.

On the other hand, there are traders who think Trading in the Zone is a good resource for anyone who wants to learn about trading psychology. Those in this group hold the belief that the second book is a big improvement to the first.

For traders who want to gain a better understanding of the fundamental truths of the trading world, they should clear some space in their bookshelves for both books. Reading both will allow you to trade from a more carefree state of mind.

Whichever book you choose to read, note that it will change your approach to trading.

What Happens in Chapter 1 Of Trading in The Zone?

Chapter 1 of Trading in the zoneIn Chapter One: The Road to Becoming a Successful Trader, Mark looks at the evolution from fundamental to technical analysis. He notes that when he first got into trading in the late 70s, many traders considered technical analysis to be a lazy and unconventional approach.

At the time, fundamental analysis was all the rave, with traders using various factors to make decisions. Some of these factors included economic data, balance sheets, and interest rates. Fast forward to today, he notes that the ongoing shift to technical analysis has been informed by the need to remain consistently profitable.

At its basic, fundamental analysis lays emphasis on the factors that can affect the supply and demand of a certain crucial instrument. Mark notes that this approach uses mathematical models to forecast the future cost of a given asset.

He, however, notes that this model doesn’t account for the influence that other traders are likely to have on market movements. These are players whose driving forces extend beyond rational factors to include their personal beliefs and emotions.

Mark goes on to add that prices are mainly driven by traders and the emotions they have at a given moment rather than by rational projections.

As a result, most trading decisions are prompted by emotional factors that are beyond the space of fundamental analysis. He stresses that even if an analysis made using fundamental analysis turns out to be correct, the following price movements could prove to be too volatile. This means that holding on to that position for too long may prove challenging, if not unfavourable.

The first chapter focuses on explaining Mark’s view that the inclusion of technical analysis in trading strategies is now the best way forward. He adds that experienced traders have today included one or more forms of technical analysis in their decision-making processes.

Some of the important points highlighted in this chapter include the following:

  1. Growth and Adaptation: Mark suggests that to become a successful trader, you’ll need to undergo some form of growth and adaptation. It’s something that calls for you to remain open to changing your existing attitudes and beliefs to enhance your trading results.
  2. Collective Behavior Patterns: The chapter suggests that the behaviour demonstrated by individual traders can form a collective behavioural pattern. Such patterns are easily repeatable, and they help in allowing for prediction based on historical insights.
  3. Balancing Confidence and Caution: As a trader, you need to strike a balance between these two factors. Although it’s important to eliminate fear in your trades, you also need to find a way to avoid reckless behaviour.
  4. Fundamental Analysis vs. Technical Analysis: Mark contrasts fundamental analysis with technical analysis. He advances the argument that technical analysis, which relies on historical analysis, is superior when it comes to predicting future prices. This is because fundamental analysis tends to create a “reality gap” between what is happening and what should be happening.
  5. The Role of Attitudes and Beliefs: The chapter investigates the significance of trader attitudes and beliefs on their perception of market movements. It also looks into how they affect their ability to execute a trade without any form of hesitation. In this regard, developing a good mindset will be crucial to facilitating confident trading.
  6. The Psychological Gap that Exists in Trading: Mark is quick to acknowledge that traders may find it challenging to transform their existing knowledge into consistent profits because of the psychological gap that exists in technical analysis. This gap brings with it certain emotional barriers that can have a negative effect on a trading strategy.


What Strategy Do Most Traders Use?

A trading strategy refers to a plan that relies on detailed analysis to identify specific price levels and corresponding market conditions. Although traders can use fundamental analysis to forecast price movements, many trading strategies rely on technical-based indicators.

Each trader will have a preferred trading strategy. Popular trading strategies in use today include:

News Trading Strategy

Trading on a news trading strategy means trading based on market expectations and upcoming news events. This strategy requires a skilled mindset as today’s news events spread quickly thanks to the proliferation of digital media.

With this strategy, you need to be able to assess news as soon as they become available. After assessment, proceed to make a quick decision on the best way to trade and turn a profit. Essential considerations when using the news trading strategy include:

  • Is the news report partially or fully factored into the pricing of the asset?
  • Does the report match the prevailing market expectation?

The chart above shows price movements after a news release

When using this strategy, you’ll need to be aware of how different financial markets operate. You must remember that markets need energy to initiate price movements. This energy mainly comes from information flow, such as important news events.


تداول الموقف

It involves taking a trading position that aligns with the prevailing trend. Experienced traders prefer this strategy when taking a position over a short time frame. You can use a daily chart to help you decide on which position to take.

Though you can employ numerous approaches, the main principle revolves around holding one position for an intermediate time frame. It’s a strategy that capitalizes on the trends and movements shaping the major markets.


Range Trading

Range trading seeks to make the most of consolidating markets. This is among the most popular strategies used by scalpers, as its focus is on short-term profit making. However, you can also see it across other trading styles.

With range trading, a trader will need to shift their focus to short-term price movements instead of looking at the overall trend. For this, you’ll need to open a long-term position when you notice a price movement between two levels.

End of Day Trading

As the name suggests, this strategy involves executing positions as the market is coming to a close. Many traders using this strategy become active when they realize that the prices are going to close or “settle.”

If you’re to succeed with this strategy, you’ll need to study the day’s price action and compare it to the price movements recorded on the previous day. From here, you can then speculate on how the asset’s price will move.

التداول المتأرجح

التداول المتأرجح is not very different from position trading. However, in swing trading, you’ll be looking to identify potential swings in both directions within the main trend. Additionally, this type of trading is best done on a short-term basis.

A typical swing trader will hold a position in the market for one to two days and, at most, two weeks. You can also blend this strategy with other strategies, such as momentum trading, trend trading, and breakout trading.

What Is The 1 Rule in Trading?

The 1% rule in trading holds that you should never risk more than 1% of your trading capital on one trade. Please note that this doesn’t mean that you should only place 1% of your available capital on a position.

The rule of thumb is that you can invest as much capital as you want, but if the position is losing more than 1% of your capital, you should close it. Most professional traders have a standard of only risking 1% or less for each trade.

If you’re a day or swing trader, applying this rule means you can use as much capital as you wish to start a trade. However, you should ensure that the stop-loss measures you have put in place can protect you from losing more than 1% of the initial capital.

It’s up to you to decide whether to put in place a stop-loss measure, provided you remember that this rule states you shouldn’t lose more than 1% of your capital on one trade.

Depending on your level of experience, you can choose to make some changes to this rule. For example, you may decide to risk 2%, which will make it the 2% rule. The concept will remain the same no matter the percentage you choose: just make sure to control your exposure and keep your losses per trade to a minimum.

Which Type of Trading Is Most Profitable for Beginners?

Swing trading is every beginner trader’s best friend. It works well for them because it helps strike a balance between long-term investing and the fast-paced world of day trading. So, why should you consider it?

  • Flexibility: It gives you the opportunity to hold onto one position for a couple of days or weeks. This is enough time for you to take a closer look at the market trends.
  • Better Risk Management: As a swing trader, you’re at liberty to use stop-loss measures on your trades to limit losses.
  • Improved Decision Making: A longer timeframe means you have enough time to make a thorough analysis and make an informed decision.
  • Reduced Stress: Day trading requires you to make split-second decisions, which can lead to high stress levels. Swing trading provides a more relaxed trading environment.

To get started with swing trading, make sure to learn technical analysis, i.e., understand the different types of chart patterns. You’ll also need to learn how to choose liquid markets and then practice your trades on demo accounts.

Which Trader Makes the Most Money?

Day traders are believed to be the type of traders who make the most money from trading currency. In day trading, you get to buy and sell different financial instruments, such as commodities, currencies, and stocks, all in one trading day.

The most definitive feature of this type of trading is that you don’t get to hold your positions overnight. Your goal is to try to profit from short-term price fluctuations that occur during your trading session.

Expert traders have long considered this to be the most profitable method that an investor can use to make money. Some of its distinguishing characteristics include:

  • Fast decision making
  • Closing positions
  • Frequent trading

Which Trading Strategy Has the Highest Success Rate?

Indicator-based directional trading is a strategy that has recorded a win rate of over 70%. As its name suggests, this strategy relies on indicators to establish the direction of a given trade. Traders need to learn to use the signals provided by their indicators to know when to exit.

The strategy works well for those looking to make profits within a short period. Learning to implement it in your trades will guarantee you high success rates bolstered by consistent results.


The difference between an ordinary trader and a successful funded trader lies in their mindset. Mark highlights the importance of developing the right mindset in Trading in the Zone, noting that a trader should aim to develop consistency and gain self-discipline.

These are two attributes that will help them to remain focused on their end goal: turn a profit. With a good mindset, you get to create a unique trading strategy and learn how to trade with both fundamental and technical analysis.

To learn more about how to trade in the zone and use a funded account to make a profit, visit Audacity Capital today!
