Henoc’s $15,000 Forex Success: From Blown Accounts to Consistent Wins

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Welcome to another Trading Forex Success interview series, where you will learn top secrets, strategies, and tips to help you become our next successful trader. In this interview, we were speaking to Henoc, our $15,000 funded trader, and he openly shared some of his best insights about the market and how you can make winning moves consistently.

(GBP/USD Trading Chart) 

Henoc stumbled upon Binary Options in early 2019, but as he delved deeper, he found Forex through a couple of YouTube videos. At the time, he didn’t know anything about Forex trading, but he continued to research more, and today, he holds a $15,000 trading account.

Henoc’s trading journey is one full of determination, resilience, and consistency. He is also a trainer and a boxer and takes discipline very seriously.

He claims that:

“Trading is a game of probabilities and how you put those probabilities in your favor, and it is by being consistent doing the same thing over and over again.”

Henoc emphasizes more on practice and consistency. He says that if you are going to be a trader, these are the qualities that will help you become successful.

Henoc also says that it is important to put your emotions out of the market, and the best way to do that is to be patient. If you miss one entry, there will always be another entry. Always be patient and wait for a high-quality setup.

Henoc uses the support and resistance strategy as well as the Fibonacci strategy. He first gets the general flow of the market, identifies key points, and then scales down to a 4-hour timeframe to magnify what he is looking at. He then proceeds to a 1-hour timeframe to check if what he is looking for has formed a setup and finally puts his entry in a 15-minute timeframe.  

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When it comes to risk management, Henoc says he grades his setups. For high-quality setups, he normally risks a little more, that is, 2%, and for low-quality setups, he might not take the trade, or he risks only 1%.

Risk management is an important lesson for all Forex traders to ensure they do not blow their accounts. Henoc mentions that his Forex success journey was full of roller-coasters because he was treating it like a casino, which felt more like gambling. He blew several accounts, but after straightening his strategy and practicing discipline and consistency, it all changed.

He is thankful to Audacity Capital because their model has allowed him to evolve in his game and strategy, which has made him a better person. That is why he highly recommends Audacity Capital to beginner Forex traders.

According to Henoc, Forex success requires discipline, consistency, and patience to become a successful trader. If you learn to discipline yourself that will have a positive impact on your trading style and performance.

He states:

“Just stay on the course. You cannot rush this stuff in order to get to a place where you have never been before. There is always room for improvement.”

We hope you have gathered a few insights that will help you improve your trading game. Henoc was once a beginner and now he is a $15,000 funded trader. You can also do it! For more information, click here to watch!
